We are pleased to announce an innovative NEW SERVICE we are now offering at Aabani Salon….


What are these you ask?

A collaborative in salon and at home color experience. Basically, we apply the professional color in salon, wrap it up in our special Aabani head wraps and you wash the color out at home!

Want more of a break down on how it works?


> Check in, get your head wrap, make sure you have color conserving shampoo and conditioner.

> Next, you'll have a consultation with your stylist who will go over the homecare guide and have you sign a waiver.

> Then your color will be applied and we'll place on your head wrap.

> Before you check out, we'll set a timer on your cell phone for when you need to rinse, make sure you have your homecare guide and send you on your way!


> Wait for the color to process (it's your time, do what you like!)

> At the recommended time, follow the instructions on your homecare guide and rinse out your color in the comfort of your own shower.What you do after that is up to you!

Are you a candidate for our Aabani Express Services?

To receive these express services, it needs to be a tried and true formula that we have previously used on your hair; this helps us ensure the results.

You must purchase a protective cap to cover the color @ $5.00. You can use this for future Express Services!

You must have purchased Color Conserve shampoo and conditioner within 8 weeks. You need this to wash your color out!